Masters Athletics in Helsinki
HKV is a club of around 200 masters athletes in track and field, aged between 25-85-years old. In 2022 HKV was the most successful masters athletics club in Finland winning a gigantic trophy for most points gathered in the Finnish Championship competitions. We have athletes who compete on the international level, many who compete on the national level and others who only attend practices and enjoy athletics. We have regular practices in most track and field disciplines: race walking, pole vault, hammer throw, jumping, javelin, sprinting, hurdles and middle distance running.
You are welcome to try out our practices before joining the club!
2. Join HKV
(choose "normaali jäsenmaksu", the normal membership fee 60 euros)
3. Join the masters group​
HKV masters athletics cost 20 euros per month. Club membership is 60 euros per annum and training costs 60 euros per 4 months = 180 euros per year.
What do you get?​
– Club training times during the winter and equiptment (pole vault poles for example)
– Club practice groups and coaching. (Sanna Erkinheimo has a sprinting group that trains twice weekly and is more expensive: 150 euros per 4 months.)
– HKV competitions
– Finnish Masters Championship relays and other team events (individual events you pay for yourself)
– We organize some cliniques in specific events
– Great training companions
– Track and field school once a week where we practice the basics in different events
Mika Siimes, 050 3398250